Speaker and podcast host Heather Bernt-Santy, also known as That Early Childhood Nerd, has been working with children, their families, and their caregivers for over 30 years and has loved very-nearly-almost every minute. She is a believer in children's right to play and in the science that tells us play IS right.

"Heather is a well informed and personable trainer. She encourages caregivers to think of the purpose of what they do, as well as who benefits from the practice. She's fun, funny, and brutally honest when necessary. You will leave feeling empowered and enriched!"
Kristi, West Lafayette IN
"I love your podcast! You're always filled with so much passion, and knowledge, it's very inspiring."
Julie, Australia
"Heather is able to teach staff at any experience level through a research based approach and with consideration and respect for all participants. She expands and reframes thinking in order help teachers serve others in a developmentally appropriate manner."
Elena, Lafayette IN

Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Want to invite me to speak to your group? Contact me today and see what I can do for you.